Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tips for Engineering Graduates to make money

Engineering colleges, especially the private ones are popping up like mushrooms do pop up after rainfall! With the increasing number of such institutes, the number of students enrolled has also increased by many folds! Is it a good trend or bad trend? Well, it is both good and bad. The good aspect is that we have a money making opportunity ready, thanks to engineering colleges.

Do you know that the real ‘stuff’ an Engineering graduate must master is the ‘practical stuff’. Still, most of the universities and colleges prefer to grade students solely on the basis of theoretical exams.

But how all this related to making money, you might ask. Well, let me tell you. In an effort to improve the ‘practical’ knowledge of students, all Engineering universities have made it compulsory for students to make and submit a ‘working’ project.

This is a mandatory step and without it students won’t be getting their graduation certificates. But, it seems that students have found a smart way to evade this ‘obstacle’. It is a widely practiced ‘custom’ to ‘purchase’ engineering projects by students! Yes, they pay money and purchase them instead of building and creating their own projects!

Now, you can see where this is heading to, don’t you? With the large number of colleges, the number of students also has increased. The more the number of students, the more the demand for such ready-made projects!

So, how exactly can you make money, exploiting this scenario? Well, you may start your own little ‘work shop’ for creating and selling such projects. The amount of money you can earn depends on the complexity of the project. It is better to set-up such workshops near educational hubs, where engineering colleges are present in numbers.

If you can’t invest in setting up a workshop of you own, why not create working models and sell it to such workshops? Okay, I agree that since the workshop acts as a middleman, your profit will reduce. But still, it is a decent way to earn some money.

I recommend this method to engineering students (graduated ones) because they are used to this whole affair of projects. This makes them have good knowledge about the technical know-how and the pricing details.

Even a person with sound technical knowledge can jump in to make use of this money making opportunity. Visit this blog for more such handy tips and tutorials.

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